Sustainable & Ethical Fashion

Sustainable & Ethical Fashion

Tips to Avoid Fast Fashion

Fast fashion is undeniably one of the most environmentally-detrimental industries in the world today. If you are looking for effective ways to avoid fast fashion, here is how you can do it.
1. Check the Brand’s Certifications
Certifications are great proof of a brand’s sustainability and ethics. As a consumer who is on a sustainable lifestyle, checking a brand’s certifications is a good starting point. This will help you only purchase clothing from brands that are truly focused on sustainability.
2. Check the Clothing Brand’s Supply Chain
A reputable…

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Sustainable & Ethical Fashion

What is Ethical and Sustainable Jewelry

Ethical and sustainable jewelry essentially means responsible and transparent sourcing methods and the use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials to make jewelry. It delivers very minimal impact to the environment and it is not involved with any issue or conflict.
This industry is also known for giving back to employees by giving them a safe working environment and fair wages. When looking for ethical and sustainable jewelry, here are a few points you need to consider.
1. Quality before Quantity
If you are living a zero-waste lifestyle, then shopping for jewelry probably only comes to your mind a …

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Sustainable & Ethical Fashion

What is Ethical and Sustainable Fashion?

In general, ethical and sustainable fashion refers to an approach of sourcing, producing, and designing clothing that leverages the advantages to the industry of fashion and the society while minimizing detrimental environmental impacts at the same time.
Fast fashion, on the other hand, is the opposite of ethical and sustainable fashion. Below are some of the biggest issues associated with fast fashion. Generally, fast fashion involves producing fashion trends in a quick and cheap method to make them available to consumers.
1. Human Rights Violation
Many fast fashion brands source their clothing …

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